Happy Sunday!
Those of you who’ve been reading this newsletter for a while know that my mood can turn on a single email. Well, yesterday I got a great one.
A-Mail is officially a best-selling newsletter! 🎉
I'm a writer, “bestseller” is catnip to me. It's a gold star. Or in this case, a little orange badge on my Substack profile. This news is especially meaningful to me because I've taken a lot of risks with this newsletter lately. And hitting this milestone feels like a sign that what I'm doing is actually working. It's a great feeling.
None of this would be possible without you, my amazing readers. So I wanted to email you on this lovely Sunday to say a huge thank you to you all.
This newsletter is so special to me - it came out of a career low and has soared into something I couldn't have imagined. Thank you — for every time you take a moment out of your day to open my emails, read them, forward them, reply to them or even pay for them. Bestseller is a great badge to hold, but it's your support that matters the most to me. For that, and everything, thank you.
Anna 💌
Congratulations, Anna!