I really needed this now. Having the words makes it easier to understand, and that understanding helps in knowing how to get better at it. And kinder. Thanks.
This was really nice to read, especially talking about how it's not just because of the pandemic. I tend to get very onto myself when I need to set aside breaks even when I'm in the midst of trying to find new clients and do work for current ones. It's really easy to just feel completely bad about it, but taking the time to realize that it's ok to just take it one step at a time is really important.
Thank you so much for this! I've been feeling exactly this 'goal fatigue' for the past few months and I'm kinda relieved to know I'm not alone. Thank you so much for putting this in words for me.
Thanks for sharing this Anna - it really rang true for me. I've always loved having goals, loved new years as a time to dream and work out what was coming next. And this year - meh. Not even vaguely stirred to do it. But was still feeling uneasy.
Then I realised my guilt about not *wanting* something was mostly the thing causing me stress. So I've set that down that ambition, or whatever we're calling it, for now, and life has been more pleasant. I know I can pick it up again when that fire starts flickering again.
Without realising I've been doing the tiny pleasures thing to keep the wheels turning. My favourite "reward" is doing some more of a giant puzzle. I'm so very very cool that way.
I like how these feelings aren't directly because of the pandemic, but it's shining a light on problems that are already there. I also love the advice to shift the mindset and focus on the overarching goals :)
Yes! I think it's really easy and tempting to chalk everything that's going wrong right now to the pandemic, when actually the foundations for these problems were laid a while back.
I really needed this now. Having the words makes it easier to understand, and that understanding helps in knowing how to get better at it. And kinder. Thanks.
This was really nice to read, especially talking about how it's not just because of the pandemic. I tend to get very onto myself when I need to set aside breaks even when I'm in the midst of trying to find new clients and do work for current ones. It's really easy to just feel completely bad about it, but taking the time to realize that it's ok to just take it one step at a time is really important.
Thank you so much for this! I've been feeling exactly this 'goal fatigue' for the past few months and I'm kinda relieved to know I'm not alone. Thank you so much for putting this in words for me.
Thanks for sharing this Anna - it really rang true for me. I've always loved having goals, loved new years as a time to dream and work out what was coming next. And this year - meh. Not even vaguely stirred to do it. But was still feeling uneasy.
Then I realised my guilt about not *wanting* something was mostly the thing causing me stress. So I've set that down that ambition, or whatever we're calling it, for now, and life has been more pleasant. I know I can pick it up again when that fire starts flickering again.
Without realising I've been doing the tiny pleasures thing to keep the wheels turning. My favourite "reward" is doing some more of a giant puzzle. I'm so very very cool that way.
I like how these feelings aren't directly because of the pandemic, but it's shining a light on problems that are already there. I also love the advice to shift the mindset and focus on the overarching goals :)
Yes! I think it's really easy and tempting to chalk everything that's going wrong right now to the pandemic, when actually the foundations for these problems were laid a while back.
For sure and forces you to confront them, rather than waiting for 'this shall pass' (even though it feels like it's NEVER going to pass)