I’d love to have this back. And really anything you want to write about is all we ever need. I get something out of everything you write, not always related to the subject. My only advice would be to not put pressure on yourself to define it too tightly for us, or produce it to a tight schedule for us. If you only pop up sporadically like this one, I’d still read it.

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Thanks so much, Hannah. It's funny because that's exactly the advice I'd give someone else if I were reading this but I just struggle to give myself that permission. So thank you for saying it 🙏

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I completely relate. Almost as soon as I sent it I realised I needed to give myself that permission too.

All the advice we get tells us to be clear and consistent with whatever work we create, but actually in any creative practise, being fluid and free to run down many avenues is key. An artist friend pulled me out of a creative block last year by telling me that I just needed to get back in the playground. It’s amazing what comes when you’re just following your own needs/instincts. When I witness others in that free space it really helps me to let myself do it. So maybe I want you to take the advice as a way to inspire me/remind me to stick to it 😊 And surely Substack was designed for us to make our own playgrounds because so many creative industries seem to have forgotten how to let us be fluid in our practise as they become more and more corporate in their function. Whatever you do, put yourself at the centre of it, because it’s the “you” in your work that makes it invaluable. (cc myself)

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*prints this out and pins to wall*

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I came here to say exactly the same thing, so I'll tag on to Hannah's message with a "+1". I always enjoy your writing, on any subject, and I'd love to read your thoughts whenever you want to send them. Please don't feel under pressure, though - we can wait.

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YES <3

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Anna Codrea-Rado

I’m with Emma and give a big yes too :-)

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Yay thanks 💫

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Elephant in the room: HELL YES PLS.

And I want to hear about what lights you up. Because this stuff (*points at writing, points at everything*) is hard hard hard, and I think there's so much value in reading about other people's enthusiasms.

Also, I've been living out of a rucksack since the pandemic started (sold my home a few months beforehand, with just terrific timing) - and honestly, I've loved having to properly appreciate everything in order to justify hanging onto it. It's a real gratitude-generator of a thing.

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Living in small spaces and/or out of a suitcase is a crash course in learning that you really don't need that much to live a happy life. I really agree with your perspective about how it gives you a lot of gratitude.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Anna Codrea-Rado

I second this! Reading about enthusiasms is wonderful!

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Anna Codrea-Rado

I would love to read your newsletter again, even if not regular or super structured. It's such a delight! And as a freelancer I really, really appreciated someone talkning about the wider reaches and implications of the work - like what you can learn from a boot sale. :)

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Anna Codrea-Rado

I always enjoy your writing, and I think this was my favourite of all, so please do send us something occasionally (if you decide you want to). I'm basically just reiterating what everyone else is saying: that there's no pressure from this end, only delight!

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Anna Codrea-Rado

I hope you feel the love from these comments, Anna!

It means I can't do much besides echo what has been said by others; it was a genuinely welcome surprise to read your musings yesterday.

If it gives you joy to write the newsletter again, I think we'd be happy to share in that - whatever form it takes.

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Yes, please come back!! It doesn't matter what you write about. I just enjoy reading your voice. I subscribe to a looooooooooooot of Substacks (many of them wonderful) and you truly stand out from the crowd. Re-join the party!

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Anna Codrea-Rado

Yes please, Anna! x

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I was sooo happy when I saw your name in my inbox again. I discovered you in LWH when your book came out and felt guided by "You're the business" and this Newsletter as well as "Is this working" through my then new life as a freelancer, my journalistic career and my own substack. I love your thoughts and writing style - so all anecdotes, aphorisms, short stories or even poetry are welcome!

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A poem!! I've never written poetry but that's a great point about using this space to experiment with different kinds of writing. Thank you for letting me know that you'd be receptive to that kind of thing 🙏

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Anna Codrea-Rado

Yes please!

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Anna Codrea-Rado

I never subscribed to your newsletter in the past. I have just done so, having read about it in you ACLS profile. So, I would really like for you to restart the newsletter and read what you have to say about freelance writing. I have just retired from corporate life. I have self-published two novels and had some of my poetry published. I'd like to make a bit of pocket-money to supplement my pension.

BTW, I voted for you.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Anna Codrea-Rado

Good to stay in touch

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Much as I've respected your boundaries in calling time on something that wasn't working for you, I've really missed this newsletter, Anna! Sounds like you've been up to lots of cool stuff in the meantime, but I'd be delighted to have you back in my inbox, in whatever form that might be.

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This is so so great, you're such an amazing writer! My best friend just lost all her stuff in a cyclone, so I've been thinking a lot about the value of things. Thank you for writing this ❤️

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Short answer: Yes you should totally bring this newsletter back. If you want to. Long answer: I loved this newsletter enough for it to prompt me to get the audiobook version of You're The Business — which I'm very much looking forward to listening to! But you do you. You've always communicated well about what the newsletter is about, and who it's for, and your content is great. But why can't it just be your newsletter? It's YOUR newsletter after all. Write about whatever you want. Post links to or reprints of your stuff published elsewhere. Whatever. Mostly people just want to hear from you. Set the bar really low for yourself — I mean that in a good way! Make it as easy as you can to keep going. As Jillian Johnsrud says: "Optimize for not quitting." All the best, J

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